The Missionary Dog
Mommy - Cheryle M. Touchton
The Pocket Full of Quarters Lady
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize. 1 Cor 9:24-27 NIV
The Bible says I’m supposed to beat my body, make it be my slave, and keep running my race. I admit that I got sick for the third time but that is no reason to fire me from my job. This last time was the worst and apparently the most expensive. I scared Mommy and Daddy but these things happen. It doesn’t mean Mommy should stop taking me on trips. If Mommy can take risks to serve God, I can take risks to serve God and Mommy. My “race” is to be Mommy’s missionary dog. I encourage people to talk to her and I keep her company. I like my job and want to keep it. Read 1 Corinthian 9:24-27 and please don’t let my getting sick disqualify me for my prize.
I got sick on Monday. Daddy was to fly in on Tuesday and Mommy and I were excited until I got sick. By Tuesday morning, Mommy was frantically calling vets. She finally got an appointment for late Tuesday. Poor Mommy and Daddy hadn’t seen each other for a month and when Daddy landed, he had to catch a cab to come to the animal hospital. If I hadn’t been so sick, I’d have felt terrible. When Daddy arrived, I was too sick and Mommy too worried to give him any attention.
Three hours, $700, and many shots later, we left the hospital. The doctor said I was very sick. I hope they didn’t spend $700 to find that out because I already knew that.
I’m really glad Daddy was here. He spent his week with me giving me 13 pills a day. Why won’t he give me my regular food? Mommy and Daddy make me eat this terrible food the vet gave us. I don’t mean to whine but that vet wasn’t much of a cook. Daddy tried to trick me and hide my pills in that yucky food but I knew they were there. I only ate them because Daddy looked so miserable. He doesn’t like touching that food so you can you imagine how I felt eating it. I’m starting to feel better but I’m still too sore from all those shots to run or jump. I also don’t understand why they couldn’t put all of the medicine in one needle.
So yes – I have been sick three times and two of them were serious. And yes, it was expensive but I do volunteer my time for these mission trips. It’s not like they are paying me or anything and I’m usually pretty hearty so I don’t think they should complain. Besides, these illnesses were related so I might not ever get sick on a mission trip again.
People keep talking about sending me home and I’m hurt and insulted. I think I earn my keep and am worth having along. If I go home, who will Mommy cuddle with? Who will walk trails with her or remind her when it’s time to wash dishes? She needs me to stand in the front seat to find animals for her. I certainly don’t think Mommy is going to sit, speak, or turn circles to draw crowds and she hates my treats. Part of my race is to stand in the back of Halleluiah while Mommy is backing up and bark if she gets too close to something. If I go home, who will do that? I want to keep running the race God told me to run.
Mommy explained that people love me and are worried about me. She doesn’t want to take risks with me but other missionaries take their children into places much more dangerous than the United States. If Mommy can take risks, so can I. I’m putting my foot down. I’m staying with Mommy and Halleluiah so I can finish my race. Would somebody tell my mommy for me?
Cheryle M. Touchton is the Director of Pocket Full of Change Ministries. For more information or to schedule a speaker for an event, go to or call Gail Golden at 904 316-5462.
This ministry exists because people like you are called to help fund the work of the kingdom. To help keep the Pocket Full of Quarters Lady on the road as a traveling missionary, send your tax deductible contribution to Pocket Full of Change Ministries, POB 51205, Jacksonville Beach, Florida 32240.
© Pocket Full of Change Ministries
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