Friday, April 27, 2012

Would Someone Please Explain Free Will to Mommy

By Belle the Missionary Dog
Mommy - Cheryle M. Touchton - The Pocket Full of Quarters Lady

Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Cor 6:19-20 NIV

My mommy eats healthy. She has eaten this way for 30 years. She didn’t always eat like this but she does now. She says her body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and she wants to honor God by eating right. Before I was born, Mommy used to eat so much food that that it made her sick and she had to stay in bed. One day, she called out to God and she and God made a deal. Mommy turned her life and will over to God. She started eating healthy. God helped her stop overeating and made her well. The problem is, I didn’t make that deal.

On Sunday, Mommy and I went to the Big Shanty Festival in Kennesaw, Georgia. We were there to tell people about Jesus and even if I say so myself, I did my job just right. I let people pet me. When Mommy said to say Jesus, I barked. When Mommy said to show people how to take Jesus’ hand, I reached out my paw. I looked for people who looked like they needed attention from me and I gave it to them. 15 people prayed to receive Jesus and I helped with all of them. I’m happy about that.

What I’m not happy about is Mommy not letting me eat junk food. There was free junk food everywhere. People must not have wanted it because they dropped it on the ground. There were potato chips, ice cream, hamburgers, french fries, candy, and even dog treats. It was a doggie buffet and every time I tried to enjoy it, Mommy hollered and pulled on my leash. It is not fair.
Even Daddy eats junk food – especially when it is free. Mommy fusses at him too but he does what he wants. I tried doing what I wanted and Mommy wouldn’t let me. For some reason, Daddy gets to have free will but I don’t. Mommy says I can’t eat junk food because I get sick but I’ve seen Daddy not feeling too good if he eats popcorn late at night and he eats it anyway.

I’m a good dog. I mostly do everything Mommy says. I think Mommy was being unreasonable to expect me to pass all of that yummy food and not eat a bite. Would someone remind my mommy about free will?

I have to admit that when we got back to the camper, I was glad I didn’t have a tummy ache. Mommy was really glad because when I get sick, she has to clean it up. Mommy bought homemade doggy treats at the festival and she gave me some. That helped but I still can’t help dreaming about all of that free food.

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Big Job, Little Jobs, The Best Job

By Belle the Missionary Dog
Mommy – Cheryle M. Touchton, The Pocket Full of Quarters Lady

Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest. John 4:35 KJV

Mommy and I have a big job. We tell people about Jesus. We get in Halleluiah the camper van. Next, we push the button on our orange cup and listen to it sing, “No Particular Place to Go.” Mommy prays and then we drive until we find someone who needs to hear about Jesus. Well, actually, Mommy drives and I bounce back and forth between the front and back seats.

We each have little jobs too. One of my jobs is to help Mommy when she backs up. I’ve never forgotten that Mommy backed into a gas pump, so I sit in the back window and bark if she is getting too close to something. I like to do things in order so I remind Mommy of what she is supposed to do next. I don’t like people coming into Halleluiah so if they try, I bark. I cuddle with Mommy, make her laugh, and love her no matter what. We take care of each other.

Mommy feeds me, rubs my tummy, and takes me on walks. Sometimes, she tries to tell me to behave but I don't get mad because I know she just doesn’t understand why I’m doing what I’m doing. For some reason she thinks she needs to clean up after me when I potty but that is just silly. The deer and bears make a lot bigger mess than I do.

When Mommy and I start talking about Jesus, we are all business. I sit beside Mommy until she tells me what to do. She tells people about Jesus and invites them to meet him. When she asks for help, I help. If she says Jesus, I bark. I show people how to take Jesus’ hand by giving them my paw. I can sit, lay, and get my tail. Mommy and I sing about Jesus together and I do my tricks at exactly the right time. My favorite song is “My Best Friend is Jesus” because I get to bark every time Mommy sings the word Jesus. When people pray and invite Jesus into their lives, I know to sit behind Mommy and not move a muscle. My favorite part is the glow that comes into people’s eyes just as they finish praying. Everyone needs Jesus even if they don’t know it yet. Our job is to help them figure it out.

Mommy and I have been doing this together for almost ten years. Every day, it seems like people get more eager to hear about Jesus. Every year, more people say yes to Jesus. The Bible says the harvest is ripe. I think that means that people are ready to meet Jesus and I believe it. In fact, I think the harvest is even riper than it was when Mommy and I first started doing this. Helping people meet Jesus is easy and so sweet. Mommy and I have the best job in the world.

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