Sunday, October 28, 2012

I Would Wiggle Off the Alter

By Belle the Missionary Dog
Mommy – Cheryle M. Touchton - The Pocket Full of Quarters Lady

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. Rom 12:1 KJV

All this talk about living sacrifices makes me nervous. Mommy went to church on Sunday at Southside Baptist and ever since, she’s been talking about presenting her body as a living sacrifice. Apparently, Pastor Gary Webber said living sacrifices try to wiggle off the altar. All I’ve got to say about that is, “Of course they do!” I know those Bible stories about sacrificial lambs, ropes, knives, and fire. I am a Shetland Sheep Dog. If people will sacrifice sheep, what is to keep them from sacrificing a sheep dog?

Ever since Sunday, Mommy has been saying that she shouldn’t try to wiggle off the altar. She said it Sunday night when she wanted to get home sooner and knew God was leading her to take her time and minister along the way. She said it when she wanted to eat at a restaurant and knew she had perfectly good, healthy, and low calorie food in the camper. She said it again when she wanted to go to bed and still had writing to do. When I wanted her to stop working and take me for a walk, she told me to present myself as a living sacrifice. I’m sorry but if anyone is planning on doing to me what they did to those cute little lambs in the Bible, I plan to try to wiggle off that altar.

On Monday morning, Mommy and I led someone to Jesus who needed Jesus a lot. If we had rushed home to see Daddy, we would not have been there. When this sad woman prayed to receive Jesus, her face changed right in front of me. I thought about the Bible verse that talks about mourning turning into dancing. Like always, I guess the Bible is right. Mommy sacrificing what she wants to do and following what God told her to do put Mommy in exactly the right place for that woman. The funny thing is that after Mommy helped that woman meet Jesus, she was happier than she probably would have been if she had rushed home to Daddy. Following God was good for Mommy and the person Mommy helped.

This living sacrifice thing might not be as bad as it sounds. On Sunday, I wanted to go with Mommy into the church but when I saw her turn on the generator and air conditioner, I knew I was staying in Hallelujah. Maybe waiting patiently was me presenting my body as a living sacrifice. When I do the right thing, I feel better even if it isn’t want I want to do at the time. I’d probably still try to wiggle off the altar if I saw knives, ropes, and matches but maybe one day, I’ll understand that even that would be worth it if it was what God required of me.

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